Sunday 15 July 2007

Star Toys.

A burst of shouts followed by cheers and I leapt up to see what was the cause was. There on the bridge 20 or 30 strong Jedi Knights wielding bright light sabres in all manner of colours. Plastic swords with neon like shafts swirled back and forward.

I went to check out the battle. What I found was a horde of (grown up) men, dressed in Jedi robes, one or two Darths, a stormtrooper. There were also a few women, a princess Leah, and several women with Yoda on their back. Looking as if he had been cannon blasted and hanging on for dear life.

The remarkable thing was, the residents of the Empire and the Revolution were mainly British, American and.....German!

There's nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy....

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