Sunday 17 February 2008

Learning to ride

Sunday 17th February

Decided to take the CG125 which I hired on Saturday out on this cold, bright winters morning and make a country park on the other side of the M25. Few miles from the apartment and I was off track. Somewhere in Barking and Dagenham. Cirlced Romford twice. That's 2 times too many! Eventually ended up at a country park. Parked up went for a walk.

On the way back decided to go the route I knew would get me back A12 and A13. Windy and busy.

Friday 15 February 2008

Thursday 24 January 2008

Saturday 5 January 2008

Musings on 2007 and the year ahead

Well I said many times leading into 2007 - "This is going to be a good year". And a good year it has been. I moved house, county and jobs. Met many new people and ended by reforming old relationships that should have never been broken.

So what can I say of 2008?

"This is going to be a good year"

Friday 17 August 2007

Page 2 of the Sun

Well it may be a very big place - with a lot of people but I still managed to make page 2 of the Sun.

Here is the link:,,2-2007380200,00.html

Sunday 15 July 2007

Turkish coffee

At the Turkish festival in Bernie Spain's Garden
A cup as black as hell I bought
Alone again the taste arose feelings as strong as death
And the face of the one who served as sweet as love

Star Toys.

A burst of shouts followed by cheers and I leapt up to see what was the cause was. There on the bridge 20 or 30 strong Jedi Knights wielding bright light sabres in all manner of colours. Plastic swords with neon like shafts swirled back and forward.

I went to check out the battle. What I found was a horde of (grown up) men, dressed in Jedi robes, one or two Darths, a stormtrooper. There were also a few women, a princess Leah, and several women with Yoda on their back. Looking as if he had been cannon blasted and hanging on for dear life.

The remarkable thing was, the residents of the Empire and the Revolution were mainly British, American and.....German!

There's nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy....