Sunday 17 February 2008

Learning to ride

Sunday 17th February

Decided to take the CG125 which I hired on Saturday out on this cold, bright winters morning and make a country park on the other side of the M25. Few miles from the apartment and I was off track. Somewhere in Barking and Dagenham. Cirlced Romford twice. That's 2 times too many! Eventually ended up at a country park. Parked up went for a walk.

On the way back decided to go the route I knew would get me back A12 and A13. Windy and busy.

Friday 15 February 2008

Thursday 24 January 2008

Saturday 5 January 2008

Musings on 2007 and the year ahead

Well I said many times leading into 2007 - "This is going to be a good year". And a good year it has been. I moved house, county and jobs. Met many new people and ended by reforming old relationships that should have never been broken.

So what can I say of 2008?

"This is going to be a good year"